Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Public policy analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public policy analysis - Essay Example These factors can be natural, social or financial determinants. Public policy analysis is a process of policy making that begins with the identification of a problem in the public domain. This is followed by formulation of policy options to address the problem through political establishments. A plan is then developed for the implementation of the policy, and an evaluation is done through various government appointed institutions. This paper examines the stages of policy development model by showing how other factors detract from achieving the optimal policy alternatives. The goal of a public policy analysis is to provide policy makers with viable and informed policy options. It also presents credible expectations of the expected outcomes of the proposed policy options. Formulation of policies by governments is a complicated affair because of the socioeconomic and political influences involved in such matters. This makes the task of predicting the outcome and effectiveness of a polic y complex relative to the intended goals. The dynamism brought about by these factors makes the task of identifying unintended consequences a difficult undertaking. Once a problem in the public sector has been identified, there exists various ways of searching for a viable solution. Under the rational comprehensive model of decision-making, all possible approaches to solving the problem are identified. The costs and benefits of each choice of course of action are assessed and compared with each other, and the option that promises to bear the greatest amount of benefits is selected. The rational comprehensive model assumes total rational decision making when thinking of what policies to enact. Goals are identified and categorized, in accordance to order of priority depending on the socioeconomic and political situation at that time. Alternatives to these goals are also identified, and the projected consequence of each policy option is analyzed (Thissen & Walker, 2013). This model rec ommends the choice of options that maximize utility. This is because, in an ideal world, this would be the best model to help the society. This model of decision-making is best suited for policy formulation that omits political influence. Rational comprehensive approaches are costly in terms of resources that are devoted to gathering the relevant information and time. The costs of undertaking rational comprehensive decision-making, sometimes exceed the benefits of improved decision making. The nature of the procedures involved in this model requires a lot of time, which acts as a limiting factor to its potential capacity. This model has a few inadequacies like its focus on a few policy options, relies on trial and error and is prone to respond to political inputs. Another approach that can be taken when analyzing public policy is the problem-oriented model that focuses on values and influences. It entails identification and analysis of a problem in order to develop an effective resp onse that is strategically related to the ongoing events. It focuses on applying a paradigm shift from reactive to proactive public policy formulation. The problem-oriented model uses empirical data to project outcomes and the effectiveness of policies. Conclusions drawn from the use of this model rely on data collected over time and factoring in the prevailing influences of the time. When a list of choices is made, a projection of each of their goals is made and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health Literacy Essay Example for Free

Health Literacy Essay I. Background Child health is an essential indicator of the quality of life in developing countries. Mothers’ literacy is often positively associated with improved child health and nutritional status (Glewwe, 1999). The possession of literacy increases the ability of a mother or a family to acquire more knowledge. Improvements in child health are considered as the consequences of enhanced of mother’s knowledge. In short, literacy affects health, and health affects educational achievement (Grosse, 1989). Because the correlation between literacy, health, wealth and well-being is becoming increasingly important, it is crucial to include health literacy as skills required for an adult ‘to function’ in a community (Kickbusch, 2001). Health literacy has been recognized as a key outcome measure of health promotion interventions (Nutbeam, 1996). It can be categorized as basic/functional health literacy, communicative/interactive health literacy and critical literacy. Each level has different ‘autonomy and personal empowerment’. Individual attention is focused on developing the skills and confidence to make choices that enhance individual health outcomes (Nutbeam, 2000). As the highest level, critical literacy ideally will be achieved in which people have this capability to search for information, assess the reliability of that information and use that information to have a better control over their health determinants (Nutbeam and Renkert, 2001). Following this health literacy concept, Nutbeam and Renkert (2001) define mother’s health literacy as ‘the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of women to gain access to, understand and use the information in ways that promote and maintain their health and that of their children’. In terms of literacy, Indonesia has a relatively high of literacy rate of 90% (UNICEF, 2007). However, people with adequate literacy for dealing with  familiar concepts and practices, such as household management can discover a considerable difficulty to understand unfamiliar issues, such as health care information (Kalichman and Rompa, 2000). For mothers, health literacy skills are important factors in predicting child health outcomes. Indonesia as a developing country still faces many child health problems. Infant, neonatal and under-5 mortality rate was relatively high (26, 17 and 34 per 1000 live births, respectively) in 2006. Child immunization coverage is still considerably low with measles coverage of 66. 2%, MCV (80%), DPT (75%) and hepatitis (74%) among one-year-olds (WHO, 2009). Many studies show that low literacy is related with several adverse health outcomes (DeWalt, 2004). One of the ways to improve child health is likely by improving mother’s health literacy. Many recent studies have examined the impact of mother’s health literacy on child health (Sandiford, 1995). However, there are few studies focused on the barriers to mother’s health literacy. This study will investigate barriers are there to improve mother’s health literacy on child health and find solutions might overcome the barriers. II. Objectives 1. To investigate the level of mother’s health literacy in province of Aceh (functional, interactive or critical health literacy of mothers toward child health care, participation in child care programme in villages or sub districts, health seeking behaviours, efforts to gain access to health services). 2. To explore what barriers are there to improve mother’s health literacy on child health 3. To evaluate solutions that might overcome the barriers in order to enhance mother’s health literacy. 4. To create a model of intervention to improve maternal health literacy III. Methodology This research will be conducted in quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative methods will investigate the data about the mothers’ functional, interactive and critical health literacy toward the child health care, the utilisation of primary health care by mothers in terms of health seeking behaviour, child immunization coverage and monitoring of children’s nutritional status. The data will be collected by using structured questionnaires. The functional literacy will use the structured questionnaires of Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) (Baker, 1999) and Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM) (Bass, 2003) while the interactive and critical health literacy questionnaires will be designed by modifying the existing researches that study of maternal health literacy. Then, the results will be categorized by scoring into Inadequate, Marginal and Adequate health literacy. Before the questionnaire is used for the investigation, the validity and reliability tests will be performed. In the qualitative stage, I will conduct personal interviews and focus group discussions to find out the barriers and solutions to improve maternal health literacy. Semi-structured personal interviews will be used for mothers and health care staff (physicians, nurses and midwifes) from villages and sub-district health services. Respondents will be interviewed individually and privacy will be maintained during the interview. For focus group discussions, they will be purposively selected to ensure the maximum variation to ensure a diversity of views about barriers to improve mothers’ health literacy within the sample. For each group, initial contact will be made by a gatekeeper such as co-ordinator of village mother’s association, wife of head of village and village midwife. All groups will be facilitated by the researcher, recorded with the participants’ permission and will be fully transcribed. Sampling strategy Participant will be recruited from women who have children (younger or older children) in disparate geographical areas (social/cultural/ethnic mix) to look for contextual difference and from different level of education (no education, basic, advanced and higher education). The sample will be recruited purposively from the population data of department of health in Aceh. Women who are willing to participate, speak either Indonesia or Acehnese, and are articulate will be purposively selected for the qualitative study. For the quantitative study, respondents will be selected using the multi-stage random sampling method. All respondent selected will be assured that participation is voluntary. Data analysis The recorded interviews will be transcribed word for word into the language of the interview (Bahasa Indonesia, but Acehnese will be used as many people in rural areas cannot speak bahasa) and then translated into English. Categories for analysis of data will be identified at the beginning. The transcripts will be analyzed and allocated from each subject to various categories. Data will then be analyzed according to these categories. The quantitative data will be analized using SPSS statistical software version 19. 0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill). IV. Significance Indonesia is a developing country with a population of nearly 250 million. Low literacy and high fertility coupled with poor economy translates into high morbidity and mortality. Women and children are the most vulnerable segments in terms of health. It is important to improve maternal health literacy and other factors related to health services in order to increase child health care. It is a multi sector program that involves many stake holders including health department, medical education and community. It is important for medical education institution to educate their graduations of health promotion and health education against the current trend of medical education that is more likely to be a curative and specialist view. V. Others USA is a developed country and well known for its reputable universities especially for public health subjects. Health system in the US is different from Indonesia that will allow me to learn more about health education especially maternal health literacy in the US health system. The project will be conducted in three years. The detail of timeline can be found in the table below. Table 1. The timeline of research No| Years| Year 1| Year 2| | MonthsTasks| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 1| Refine research question| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2| Preparation of proposal| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3| Literature review and process the local and university ethical issues| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4| Produce the questioners | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5| Data collection| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6| Data analysis| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |. No| Years| Year 3| | MonthsTasks| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 6| Data analysis (continued)| | | | | | | | | | | | | 8| Writing initial draft| | | | | | | | | | | | | 9| Proof reading | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10| Revision and hand in| | | | | | | | | | | | | References Baker DW, Williams MV, Parker RM, Gazmararian JA, Nurss J. Development of a brief test to measure functional health literacy. Patient Education and Counseling. 1999, 38:33-42. Bass PF, Wilson JF, and Griffith CH. A Shortened Instrument for Literacy Screening. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2003,18:1036-1038. Glewwe. P. Why does mother’s schooling raise child health in developing countries? evidence from Morocco. The Journal of Human Resources. 1999; 34 (1): 124 – 159. Grosse R. N. Literacy and health status in developing counties. Annual Review Public Health. 1989; 34: 281 – 97. Kickbusch I. S. Health literacy: addressing the health and education divide. Health Promotion International. 2001; 16 (3): 289 – 97. Nutbeam D. Achieving ‘best practice’ in health promotion: improving the fit between research and practice. Health Education Research. 1996; 11 (3): 317 – 26. Nutbeam D. Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century. Health Promotion International. 2000; 15 (3): 259 – 67. Nutbeam D and Renkert S. Opportunities to improve maternal health literacy through antenatal education: an exploratory study. Health Promotion International. 2001; 16 (4): 38 – 88. Kalichman S. C and Rompa D. Functional health literacy is associated with health status and health-related knowledge in people living with HIV-AIDS. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2000; 25: 337 – 44. The World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) for Indonesia. 2009. Retrieved on Jan 7, 2009. Available from: http://www. who. int/whosis/data/Search. jsp? indicators=[Indicator]. Members DeWalt D. A et. al. Literacy and health outcomes. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2004; 19: 1228 – 39. Sandiford P, Cassel J, Montenegro M and Sanchez G. The impact of women’s literacy on child health and its interaction with access to health services. Population Investigation Committee. 1995; 49 (1): 5 – 17. Health Canada. Toward a Healthy Future: Second Report on the Health of Canadians. 1999. Retrieved Jan 7, 2009. Available from: http://www. phac-aspc. gc. ca/ph-sp/report-rapport/toward/pdf/toward_a_healthy_english. PDF Provincial health office Aceh province. Health profile of Aceh province in 2007. Banda Aceh-Indonesia. 2007. Rahmad Y. 2008, menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi. The Globe Journal Banda Aceh. 2008. Retrieved Jan 8, 2009. Available from: http://www. theglobejournal. com/detilberita. php? id=1586 Serambi news, Di aceh masih banyak perempuan buta huruf. Serambi Indonesia. 2/12/2008. Retrieved Jan 8, 2009. Available from: http://www. serambinews. com/old/index. php? aksi=bacaberitaberitaid=59771rubrik=1topik=13 The United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Statistics Basic Indicator for Indonesia. 2007. Retrieved on Jan 7, 2009. Available from: http://www. unicef. org/infobycountry/indonesia_statistics. html.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Efficacy of Lithium in Treating Bipolar Disorder Essay -- Treatmen

The Efficacy of Lithium in Treating Bipolar Disorder Lithium is a psychotropic drug that became available in 1970 as a mood stabilizing medication for the long-term treatment of bipolar disorder. It has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of manic states, as well as the depression that is concomitant with bipolar disorder. Much research has been done in the short duration of lithium's employment to evaluate its efficacy and side effects. As stated above, "Lithium stabilizes the mood of a bipolar patient, preventing a relapse into either mania or depression" (Kalat, 2004, p.472). Bipolar disorder (also known as manic- depressive illness), is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms: motor hyperactivity, flight of ideas, elation, a diminished need for sleep, grandiosity, poor judgment, aggressiveness, and possible hostility (FDA, 2005, 4). Manic-depressives are recognized by their constant mood swings, wherein they may be overly euphoric, subsequently becoming rapidly irritable, sad, or hopeless. A person is experiencing a depressive episode if five or more of the following symptoms are experienced for most of the day, every day, for at least two weeks: difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in sex or formerly enjoyed activities, a lasting empty mood, decreased energy, difficulty making decisions, chronic pain that is not caused by physical injury, and recurring thoughts of death or suicide (MedicineNet, 2005, 3). A manic episode is diagnosed if a person displays three or more the following symptoms for most of the day, every day, for one week or more: increased energy and restlessness, extreme irritability, distractibility, unrealistic beliefs i... ... Increased Lethargy Somnolence Weakness Confusion, drowsiness Gross confusion Unsteady balance Gross ataxia Profound loss of balance Nausea Vomiting Urinary incontinence Decreased Slurred speech Random muscle twitching concentration Worsening hand Muscle twitching Coma tremor Diarrhea Note. From Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder (p.48), by Monica Ramirez Basco and A. John Rush, 1996, New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Conclusion At this point in time, it is not known exactly how lithium alleviates the symptomatology of bipolar disorder, only that it is highly effective and will be continue to be one of the primary treatments in alleviating bipolar disorder until new remedies are discovered.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Literary Analysis

At first glance, one may be deceived into thinking that these two works have nothing in common, as one focuses on chocolate and the other on an ambiguous letter. However, Lasse Hallstrom’s Chocolat and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter both tell intriguing stories of women with mysterious pasts, who have disruptive influences on the societies they settle in. Although there are quite a few plot similarities between the two works, one can see much stronger comparisons when describing the townspeople’s mindsets, major themes, and character traits of the protagonists. Interestingly, The Scarlet Letter takes place in a quaint town outside of Boston, called Cornhill; Chocolat is set in an equally pleasant French village. The link between government and religion is extremely strong; the two institutions are deeply intertwined, with each controlling the other. The townspeople pride themselves on their ability to follow tradition. It seems that there is very little room for change from the ancient ways. The people’s dedication to religion, through rituals like Sunday Mass and the observance of Lent in Chocolat, illustrate the role religion plays in maintaining order within the town. Those who do not attend church are automatically cast as outsiders who wish to corrupt the values of the unassuming townspeople. The villagers seek tranquility and focus on obeying rules, anything beyond these simple goals is considered strange. Conformity in appearance, as well as thought, is a unifying feature among the people. In Puritan society, it is essential t hat women and men dress in the most modest fashion. In the French village, women should wear unobtrusive black shoes. People who do not live life according to the towns’ rules are viewed n... ...dren. Vianne and Hester are both exceedingly capable women, able to enact changes in entire communities; their strength is inspirational. In final analysis, there are many distinct parallels between Hallstrom’s Chocolat and Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. The towns where the stories occur are quite similar in the perspectives offered by the citizens. Hypocrisy is a major theme in the film and the novel, indirectly preciptating the actions of several important characters. There are numerous character traits which are apparent in both Hester Prynne and Vianne Rocher. Although these similarities manifest themselves differently in each character, they make the protagonists exciting, nonetheless. Chocolat and The Scarlet Letter are engaging tales of love and provincial thinking ; after enjoying one work, readers or viewers should surely proceed on to the next one.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Discuss Jane Austen’s presentation of the theme of marriage in Pride & Prejudice Essay

â€Å"It is the truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.† The opening sentence in Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice is so important given the social context and the notion of marriage at that time: it was the one fundamental purpose of most girls to marry. Moreover, the motives and the attitudes towards marriage were far more complex in the 19th century than nowadays since love marriages were rare and marrying for ‘advantages’ were the obvious. Jane Austen explores all the different outlooks on marriage through the characters and reveals her views towards marriage by the consequence of each type of marriage. The novel is quite clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and follows the ‘love conquers all’ platitude, however- still manages to be quite enjoyable read due to all the drama and upheaval concerning marriage. The novel, which tells the story of a commonplace 19th century family whose 3 daughter came ‘of age’ and therefore were in search for a suitable husband. Furthermore, the sense of drama is heightened by the fact the aging alpha-male of the Bennet family was unfortunate to bear only daughters and could therefore not pass on his belongings- including the property he and his family lived in to either his wife or his children as the law stated woman were unable to inherit. Therefore, everything the Bennet family owned would be given to Mr. Collins- a cousin of Mr. Bennets’. Mrs. Bennet is well aware of this and therefore has made it the main business of her life to get her daughters married. She herself has married Mr. Bennet for advantages as she was born poor and managed to ensnare him with her good looks. Consequently, she believes it’s highly likely her daughters will have the same good fortune, and as Mr. Bennet was getting older, her determination to marry her daughters off to rich men became stronger. Along with Mrs. Bennet’s determination, the pressure increased for her daughters to â€Å"secure† a man sufficient enough to please Mrs. Bennets views. Jane austen presents the theme of marriage as a comprehensive one, since she presents each character with a different view of marriage. I will compare the different views towards marriage in the novel and discuss Jane Austen’s presentation of the theme of marriage in the novel Pride & Prejudice in this essay. Enhancing the amount of money, the class of social connections, security and social status seem to be the grounds on which the ill-fated marriage of Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins are established. Charlotte Lucas is introduced as an ‘intelligent, twenty-seven year old woman whom concerned her family as they were scared she would die â€Å"an old maid.† Even though Charlotte knows she will never love Mr. Collins, she would much rather marry him than be a cause of embarrassment to her family due to her life-long bachelorhood. She believes â€Å"love is not a necessity and financial ambitions should be the main priority for a woman†, as it increases not only the wealth of the woman in question- it also increases the importunacy of her voice- essentially making them more powerful and prone to change. Furthermore, there are several quotes to back up her argument including. Otherwise the other woman thought flirtatious behaviour and humongous booby muscles did the trick. Furthermore, there are several devious competitors whom love in repetition of all sorts off material find it hard to believe that there are several cases of weird and odd behaviour created by an environment of hard parents giving daughters evil looks in order to keep her in check. Also, they’ll stretch the time of their appearance downstairs in order to find that perfect balance of animism and scrim. Furthermore, they find themselves so perfect and deem their voice as an alpha voice with steps pounding with such verbosity it shakes even the soft padded couch imp sitting on! It is scary, it is wild, it is my father. He is not so nice and honest. However, I find it irrational he has to find his stay downstairs and pray downstairs because of all the trouble he has to go through going up the furthermore, there are several objects of admiration staying up at night merely to control a daughter is too cautious behaviour implying an untrustworthy presence of an ordering and a sophisticated alpha male in the presence of an untrustworthy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Socialist Cuba essays

Socialist Cuba essays This essay will attempt to show how the vision of a peoples republic was maintained such that the US blockade failed to lead to a rejection of Fidel and Cuban socialism. It will be assessed through a series of economic and social case studies that underpin Cuban society today, in its successful socialist state. Cuba has great symbolic importance in the region and is unique in the world as a strikingly successful and continuing socialist revolution. Fidel Castro assumed control of Cuba in 1959, as a culmination of the revolution. As part of his revolutionary reforms, the Cuban government expropriated large U.S. estates, oil refineries, and other economic assets. He also allied himself with the Communist Party and fostered a strong ally in the America's Cold War enemy, the Soviet Union, from whom Cuba received annual subsidies worth $4-5 billion. As a result, American relations with Cuba were cut off both diplomatically and economically, the United States tried unsuccessfully to overthrow Castro, and Cold War tensions escalated dangerously and dramatically during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Today, Castro is still in power, U.S./Cuban relations remain cool, and the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba continues. Prior to the revolution, Cuba was considered to be one of the higher income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in 1950s. It was rather urbanised than most countries in the Latin American region, with 55% of its population living in urban areas. Illiteracy was estimated officially about 22%. However, the distribution of health service and education was unequal between urban population and rural population. Indeed, poverty was severe in the pre-revolutionary Cuba. One third of the urban population and nearly two thirds of that in rural areas suffered from malnutrition. The ownership of agricultural land was extremely concentrated and the economy of the country was deeply dependant on sugar export to USA. In response to ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Huntingtons Disease essays

Huntingtons Disease essays Huntingtons Disease is caused by the genetically programmed degeneration of brain cells, called neurons. Symptoms of this include clumsiness, forgetfulness, mood swings, lack of coordination, depression, and involuntary twitching. It causes emotional disturbance, uncontrolled movements like the head, trunk and limbs, and loss of intellectual faculties. Also slowly diminishes ability to walk, think, talk, and reason. As the disease progresses, concentration and short-term memory diminish. Eventually the person is unable to care for him or herself. Becomes harder to walk, speak, and swallow. It is named for Dr. George Huntington who first described and identified it in 1872. Death can happen from choking, infection or heart failure. Huntingtons Disease usually begins in mid-life, between 30 and 45, thought it could as early as the age of two. Huntingtons Disease affects male and females, and all ethnic and racial boundaries. Each child of a person has a 50-50 chance of inheriting the gene. Everyone who carries the gene will develop the disease. Huntingtons Disease is fatal, and is permanent if you carry the gene. Medications are prescribed to help control emotional and movement problems associated with Huntingtons Disease. Most drugs used to treat the symptoms have side effects such as fatigue, restlessness, or hyper excitability. But right now it is not treatable. There are no cures as of right now, but scientists say with the growing study of Huntingtons Disease a cure is forthcoming. Huntingtons Disease was described in 1872, but not discovered until 1993. Scientists are using electronics and other technologies enabling them to see what the gene does to various structures in the brain, and how it affects the bodys chemistry and metabolism. Laboratory animals are being bred with the hope of duplicating the clinical features so researchers can learn more about symptoms and progres ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

New Negro Essays

New Negro Essays New Negro Essay New Negro Essay Essay Topic: The New Negro Blacks thought there was hope through art. The Harlem Renaissance was the most artistic period in African-American history. Since the abolition of slavery, great social and cultural transformations were taking place and the Harlem Renaissance reflects that change. Now that they had freedom to express themselves on their own terms, African-Americans began to explore their own culture and celebrate it through their artistic and intellectual means. Langston Hughes in â€Å"When the Negro was in vogue† and Rudolph Fisher in â€Å"The Caucasian storms Harlem† manage to rise well above mere written entertainment by offering practical social challenges. No reader is left without a public dilemma to personally ponder. Both essays share the same goal of getting people to think and act seriously when it2 comes to social and civil issues. Using tones ranging from anger and solemnity to shock and outright jest, these authors seek to alter the status quo by persuading readers to thoughtfully approach the problems presented. In his essay, Langston Hughes reminisces about the Harlem Renaissance. He says that white interest and patronage of black clubs and artists was not appreciated by most Blacks. It causes Blacks to alter their art to please the Whites. Some thought that this new interest in Black culture would lead to tolerance, but it didn’t. In fact, Hughes says it had very little impact on the lives of regular people: â€Å"The ordinary Negroes hadn’t heard of the Negro Renaissance. And if they had, it hadn’t raised their wages any. † Rudolph Fisher speaks about the manner in which the Harlem Renaissance operated in the same way. A huge dynamic of the movement was in how it was received by white America. Whites were fascinated by the culture and society that they found so separate from themselves. They would venture to Harlem at night to get a taste of something â€Å"exotic†. It is the first time in American history where attention and admiration was given to anything African-American. Unfortunately, this fascination displaced the original clientele who became uncomfortable with all the attention. He says: â€Å"The managers don’t hesitate to say that it is upon these predominant white patrons that they depend for success. These places therefore are no longer mine but theirs. † A similarity to notice is that each author is alerting the readers about the progress made by the African- American artists of the time. It is a period of great achievement in theatre (Katharine Cornell, Margaret Wicherly, Leslie Carter), music (Gladys Bentley, Roland Hayes) and literature. Now that they have the freedom to express themselves on their own terms African-Americans began to explore their own culture and celebrate it through their artistic and intellectual means. I think that even though the Blacks took the interest in their entertainment as a form of exploitation of their talents they also gained from their spotlight and used it to the best of their advantage. This was progress on the road towards acceptance and race equality.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comparison of Two People in the Same Profession Article - 1

Comparison of Two People in the Same Profession - Article Example To be able to do this, this paper settles on two teachers.     Robots can be exact duplicates whereas, in human beings, all people are unique. It is because of this reason that no single firm can leave the role in making decision role to robots. Moreover, another question can be raised from this fact is: Why are there people to make decisions? The fact of two teachers being on the same level and under the same management and governance does not mean the same level of intellectuality and ability to make decisions. The degree to how fast an individual can make a right decision varies from one person to the other depending on a number of factors. Some of these factors range from inborn capability, experiences in life, age, gender, family backgrounds to the level of education. A crisis of the same magnitude presented to two teachers can be mandated to have different responses if the crisis is not numerical. In the same manner, response to decisions made by the management can vary no matter the fact that they can be trained to respond to such. These differences, however, do not despite the fact that it is possible to make a similar decision or give similar reasons for a crisis (Yengoyan 14). These two teachers can be agitated by different occurrences in a classroom, for instance, one can be so furious with a student who does not hand in his or her assignment in time while the other can get so angry with one who is late for classes. None of the two makes one a lesser teacher or vice-versa, but the situation acts independently to bring out the diversity of people although in the same field. At this juncture, it is good to state that either teacher or both could be in the profession out of lack, passion, family reasons or even religious reasons. A teacher in the profession out of passion is quite different from that is in it because of any other reason. To start with the former will have an inner driving force to work while the latter will work out of external forc es. Amazingly, both perform to the expectation of the organization. The diversity of reasons unto why one is a teacher is by its own an explanation for a myriad of responses in the teaching field. It is because of the diversity of these reasons that explain the difference between teachers when faced with a challenge. For example, when a teacher reprimands a student out of misconduct and the student takes him or her in a court of law. No matter the sentence of the court the fact of being to a court of the law may either make one feel humiliated or a rise in self-esteem. The capability that one can be allured into the wind of a riot or a strikeout of poor work conditions can also have its basis on the same reasons. The reasons for the dynamic behavior of teachers also have an association with the reasons for being in the profession.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Cosmetic and Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ancient Egyptian Cosmetic and Style - Essay Example The ancient Egyptian community was highly recognized and appreciated fro their high level of cleanliness and their concern to personal appearance for instance: It was a pre-requisite for he priests to be clean since they were considered to be a connection between the gods and the community. Additionally, in the ancient times, the Egyptians applied various methods in order to improve the level of their personal cleanliness, these methods were inclusive of: Shaving various body parts such as armpits, the genital area, beards and the head. Taking several baths a day was also considered pertinent in that it ensured that persons remain clean through out the day. Other methods such as the use of Ground Carob Pellets were also used to rub the skin in order to reduce body odor. Consequently, the use of cosmetics was extended to areas such as preparation of dead bodies for burial. Special body creams were used to cleanse the body before mummification an example is the burial of some three women from the Tuthmosis III Court in 1400 BC who were buried after being cleansed by using a very expensive cream made from a combination of oil and lime juice. There were various ancient Egyptian cosmetics that were used on different parts of the body ranging from facial to other body parts. These varieties included: Oil, lime juice, red ochre, henna, and kohl, white and black make-ups. Different techniques were applied to produce a variety of cosmetics. To begin with, the production of oil involved pressing the finest fruits or seeds such as the Moringa nuts which were combined with inorganic and organic materials that were grounded and used as pigments. Additionally, the production of Kohl; an eye paint was carried out through grinding some green malachite, cerussite, lead carbonate (white in color), galena (lead ore) and occasionally minimum amounts of laurinite and phosgenite. These materials were then ground into powder and mixed with

Safety Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Safety Plan - Essay Example The manager should give details about the operation parameters and design of the air-conditioning system, heating, ventilating in the warehouse. The manager ought to identify the source and quantity of fresh air delivered to each occupant in the breathing zone. The employer should also disclose if there has been any recent renovation of the warehouse that could be a source of impurities or contaminants. The renovation process could comprise of painting, pesticide application, and HVAC system disinfection and ventilation system. Also, the manager should make known of any recent alteration might have taken place in the warehouse such as installation of partitions, repositioning of air intakes or relocation of exhausts. In an interview, both the employer and manager should give all the possible information that will assist to identify the origin of the problem (health, 2013). All workers of the warehouse should be interviewed to give their complaints and disclose the nature of illnesses. They should reveal all the symptoms they are experiencing and tell if the symptoms clear up after leaving the warehouse. They should explain on the occurrence and frequency of the symptoms. The ailing workers should tell whether there is any particular area or event that could have triggered the symptoms. Besides they should disclose of any rendered medical care. In additional, the workers need to reveal their characteristics such as allergies, disabilities, smoking and pre-existing illnesses. In regard to information obtained from the manager and employees, the conduction of walk-around inspection will help a lot to verify this information. It is paramount to note that inadequate ventilation is the major cause of indoor air quality problems. Therefore, the walk-around inspection should be used to examine the ventilation systems. In this respect, the investigation

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health Information Exchange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Information Exchange - Essay Example ea in several ways including but not limited to improved quality of patient care, reduced costs and faster communication between patients and medical professionals. Though many professional bodies and individuals support the installation of a HIE scheme, there exists several challenges to this which are still being addressed. Of these issues, privacy, confidentiality, possible unauthorized access and misuse of medical records are of primary concern. This essay will examine HIE in relation to defining it as a process and what it aims to achieve in the medical community. It will then look at its development within recent years as technical advancements have made it a possible method of faster information transmission. Challenges that remain within the area of HIE will then be briefly examined with a view to summarizing them to their main areas of concern. Potential solutions to these problems will then be described and a final concluding discussion will then follow. Health Information Exchange (HIE), is a term used to describe the process of information sharing in relation to the health of individuals, among Health Information Organizations (HIOs) across the world. The sharing of this information is aimed at maintaining individual confidentiality, privacy and security, while providing a faster and more effective way of sharing health-related information for the benefit of both patients and HIOs (AHIMA). HIE is a fundamental part of the health information technology (HIT) network which is currently being reviewed in the United States and the National Health Information Network (Health Information Exchange). It is still not fully developed but is expected to be implemented at some stage in the near future. It is the responsibility of Health Information Organizations to ensure the successful operation of HIE. In order for this to function, they must â€Å"create a standardized interoperable model that is patient centric, trusted, longitudinal, scalable, sustainable, and

Market for Digital Cameras in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Market for Digital Cameras in Europe - Essay Example Then competition is reduced and a return to tacit agreement is likely. Petrol provides occasional examples of price wars. Interdependent behavior is an important feature of oligopoly, because the small number of competing firms watch each other closely, devising strategies which take into account the likely reaction of the others. Digital camera market has been growing phenomenally since last 10 years. According to a news report published in ZDNet UK, the sales of digital camera had doubled in the year 2003 on a global scale. A Japanese industry group claimed that Europe was ahead of Japan and the United States of America (USA) in terms of revenues and sales both. (Munir Kotadia, 2003) The Camera and Imaging Products association (CIPA) had revealed that 13.4 million units were shipped globally in the year 2003, with a year-on-year 93% growth. Out of these 13.4 million units, Europe received the most, that is 4.57 million units. This was 20% more than the shipments received by the USA and amounted to 3.82 million units. Japan snapped 3.08 million units. (Munir Kotadia, 2003) Research also reveals that for the first time, sales of digital cameras had exceeded those of film cameras in the year 2002. 23.6 million film-based cameras were sold in 2002 while sales of digital cameras amounted to 24.5 million. ... Some oligopolies have a number of large competitors, as with Coca Cola and other major soft drink suppliers, together with a large number of comparatively small suppliers which are price takers. Global digital camera market Digital camera market has been growing phenomenally since last 10 years. According to a news report published in ZDNet UK, the sales of digital camera had doubled in the year 2003 on a global scale. A Japanese industry group claimed that Europe was ahead of Japan and the United States of America (USA) in terms of revenues and sales both. (Munir Kotadia, 2003) The Camera and Imaging Products association (CIPA) had revealed that 13.4 million units were shipped globally in the year 2003, with a year-on-year 93% growth. Out of these 13.4 million units, Europe received the most, that is 4.57 million units. This was 20% more than the shipments received by the USA and amounted to 3.82 million units. Japan snapped 3.08 million units. (Munir Kotadia, 2003) Research also reveals that for the first time, sales of digital cameras had exceeded those of film cameras in the year 2002. 23.6 million film-based cameras were sold in 2002 while sales of digital cameras amounted to 24.5 million. Initially this gap was only marginal, but with the passing years, the gap has only been widening. With 80% to 90% penetration, the digital camera market has now reached the saturation point in Europe, US, and Japan. This is to mean that 9 out of every 10 consumers own a digital camera. (Munir Kotadia, 2003 and Coco Masters, 2009) The boom in phone and digital camera markets has given Europe the lead over US in these two technological grounds. Miss Carolina Milanesi, a Gartner analyst, had commented back then that consumers in US were still in the process of getting familiar

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Health Information Exchange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Information Exchange - Essay Example ea in several ways including but not limited to improved quality of patient care, reduced costs and faster communication between patients and medical professionals. Though many professional bodies and individuals support the installation of a HIE scheme, there exists several challenges to this which are still being addressed. Of these issues, privacy, confidentiality, possible unauthorized access and misuse of medical records are of primary concern. This essay will examine HIE in relation to defining it as a process and what it aims to achieve in the medical community. It will then look at its development within recent years as technical advancements have made it a possible method of faster information transmission. Challenges that remain within the area of HIE will then be briefly examined with a view to summarizing them to their main areas of concern. Potential solutions to these problems will then be described and a final concluding discussion will then follow. Health Information Exchange (HIE), is a term used to describe the process of information sharing in relation to the health of individuals, among Health Information Organizations (HIOs) across the world. The sharing of this information is aimed at maintaining individual confidentiality, privacy and security, while providing a faster and more effective way of sharing health-related information for the benefit of both patients and HIOs (AHIMA). HIE is a fundamental part of the health information technology (HIT) network which is currently being reviewed in the United States and the National Health Information Network (Health Information Exchange). It is still not fully developed but is expected to be implemented at some stage in the near future. It is the responsibility of Health Information Organizations to ensure the successful operation of HIE. In order for this to function, they must â€Å"create a standardized interoperable model that is patient centric, trusted, longitudinal, scalable, sustainable, and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Elisa aims and method need to be paraphrase Essay

Elisa aims and method need to be paraphrase - Essay Example This difference is made clear through the drawing of a standard curve, by making use of concentrations that are known; belonging to antibodies of Rabbit IgG. e. Incubation was done on different amounts of rabbit IgG. Micotiter plates were then cleaned by use of washing buffer, three times; and washed again after blocking them with blocking buffer. They then were refrigerated, ready for use in the practical. 1- For the monoclonal antibodies, the left half of the plate got used.As in the illustration below in a picture with blue colour; in the first column, 200ul of monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit IgG was added. 100ul of diluents buffer PBS was then filled to columns 2 and 6, for the monoclonal antibodies as in the below illustration. 2- Then, 100ul of mouse anti-rabbit got transferred from A1 to A6 inorder to have the sample diluted and from well A6 100ul of mouse anti rabbit IgG antibody thrown away. A repeat of the process was done on the rest of the

United Kingdom’s Economic Low Unemployment Advantage Essay Example for Free

United Kingdom’s Economic Low Unemployment Advantage Essay In 2002, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), UK’s standardized unemployment rate is 5. 1. For France the standardized unemployment rate is 8. 9, for Spain is 11. 5 while for Italy is 9. 0. Let us examine first why UK had this low unemployment rate compared to the France, Spain and Italy. First UK is very attractive to foreign investors compared to France, Italy and Spain. This is partly because UK has a proven track record of economic stability strengthened by its government economic policies. UK has one of the most stable exchange rates which equates to stability for investors. Increase in foreign investors also means an increase in employment, resulting in lower unemployment rate. If UK had not been attractive to investors, there would have been no rise in real GDP in UK brought about by new business and expansions in 2002. Another determinant factor of the low unemployment rate is the labour environment in UK. UK is home of highly skilled and dynamic labour force. Its pool of workforce comes from top universities and trained by RD centers (Research and Development). This workforce together with UKs less constricting laws for labour generates high level of employment. In terms of innovation UK is far advance compared to France, Spain and Italy. â€Å"Although UK has only 1 per cent of the world’s population but conducts 5. 5 per cent of global research† (OIPA, 2005). Innovation promotes more investment and thus lowers unemployment. Another factor that makes UK’s unemployment rate low is its being a leader in world trade. UK is second in the world in terms of exports and third in the world in terms of imports. The magnitude of trade is an indication that there is a corresponding high level of workforce behind this trade. There are also a considerable proportion of world’s leading companies who reside in UK. These companies provide stability and maintain the employment force in UK. If assuming that UK was not a leader in exports and imports, the economic indicators showing UK as having roughly 50% exports to other European countries would have shown otherwise. Another most significant contributor that makes UK’s unemployment rate low is its low taxation compared to other European countries. The corporate tax, which is at 30%, is relatively low compared to other key European countries. The Value Added Tax (VAT) in UK is also lower than most European countries. Lower corporate tax and lower VAT induces more investment and thus decreases unemployment rate. Let say for example we are a company from another country like Japan and we wanted to have some presence in Europe. Logically, if we have France, Spain, Italy and UK as alternatives we would definitely put up our business site in UK because we will be paying lesser taxes. Lesser taxes in our investments mean more income for the company. Even if looking at this corporate tax rate from a percent perspective, the difference seem small like 3% or 2%, but if we are talking about millions of dollars 2% is already a large amount. Thus a slight advantage in corporate tax means a lot in attracting investors. France, Spain and Italy’s Higher Unemployment Economic Advantage Most European countries suffer some levels of growing unemployment due to the pressures of lower labor cost in the world market like China. China’s growing threat of low cost manufacturing expands not just in employment but to the whole economic state of European Companies. France has been in a state of falling down GDP since 2000 and in 2002, France unemployment rate reach 8. 9%. Although France has easy access to UK, the France has a higher corporate tax compared to UK. France effective corporate tax rate is 34. 33% (Export Entreprises SA, 2005). This is 4. 33% higher than UK’s 30% maximum corporate tax. This higher tax rate is a major contributor why France has higher unemployment rate compared to UK. Higher tax rate deters investment and therefore lowers employment. Spain suffers the same condition of growing unemployment just like France because of its higher corporate tax and rigid employment scheme. The corporate tax of Spain is 35% (Export Entreprises SA, 2005). It is even higher than France. Even if Spain offers lower corporate tax of 30% to companies whose turnover does not exceed 6 million EUR, the overall average is still somewhere in 35%. The regulatory framework of employment in Spain is not so flexible leading to high dismissal cost and low part time employment. The overall result of higher corporate tax and less flexible employment leads to higher unemployment compared to UK. Italy is affected the most by China’s threat of low cost manufacturing. This is because Italy has a large number of manufacturing enterprises that belongs to the small to medium sized. Small to medium sized manufacturing enterprises fall under those than finds low cost alternative in China. Similarly the corporate tax in Italy is 33% (Export Entreprises SA, 2005), 3% higher than UK. Again this explains why Italy has higher unemployment rate than UK. To what extent might the pursuit of full employment conflict with other economic objectives. Looking at the previous explanation of why UK’s unemployment is much lower than France, Spain and Italy, the most significant contributor is the taxation. This is because low corporate tax can give economic advantage over its rivals. As corporate tax decreases, investment spending increases and employment rises. In reality this is not always true because as corporate tax decreases, the government collection also decreases. If we keep on pushing by lowering corporate and individual tax rate, it will also have some negative effects. A lot of economist cautioned that lowering corporate tax will result to short term economic growth unless backed up by extensive government economic infrastructures. â€Å"KPMG concludes that indirect taxes appear to be playing an increasingly important role in the revenue-gathering strategies of many countries around the world† (KPMG, 2007). Lowering corporate tax may reach to a point that the overall collection is not enough to sustain the expenses required to maintain government maintained organizations and infrastructures needed for economic stability. The stress cause by such condition may swing the economy to a condition where the overall economic structure will cause impediments to investment. An example is that if it increases crime rate due to the poor security given by the government. High crime rates can deter investors and bring down employment. Another possible case is poor roads and transportation. This could greatly affect the decision of investors. Therefore a balance must be achieved. When the lowest minimum corporate tax is achieved it must be offset by some other means in it needs to be lowered further to compete in the world market. One possible strategy is increasing VAT when lowering corporate tax. VAT increase has major benefits over corporate tax because VAT is continuous flow of cash as oppose to lump sum corporate tax. Another similar approach to offset a reduction in corporate tax which has the same effect as VAT is increasing Goods and Services Tax (GST). Again GST has the advantage of bringing a continuous cash flow as oppose to lump sum corporate tax. â€Å"On the other hand, the survey shows that corporate tax rates are continuing to fall worldwide, but there are signs that this trend is slowing† (KPMG, 2007). This year it is 26. 8 from 27. 2% last year which indicates that the average rates have decreased compared to the major reductions in 1997 to 2007. So far UK still has some capability to lower its corporate tax to compete with other country. The more relaxed labor regulations in UK, although helpful in keeping more people get employed, may also have some limits. This may also lead to inefficient employees that would take a toll on company’s revenue. This could lead a company to loose interest in investing their money. If we take for example if we make employee regulations very relaxed like for example by not having to require that employee need to have a specific security measures in applying for a job, the employee might end up to be a member of an underground organization. An organization that may have some security threats to the company. If a security breach would occur like a patent design being stolen, the company will loose millions and end up withdrawing their investment. In the end everything is just a matter of balance, where the equilibrium between a relax labor regulation and the negative effects that it might bring. References OIPA (2008). Invest in UK. Retrieved from the Overseas Investment Promotion Agency website: http://www. investoverseas. org/United_Kingdom/Invest_UK/uk_economy. htm, on February 8, 2008 Export Entreprises SA (2005). France TAXES ACCOUNTING. Retrieved from the Export Enterprises website: http://country. alibaba. com/profiles/FR/France/taxes_accounting. htm, on February 8, 2008 Export Entreprises SA (2005). Spain TAXES ACCOUNTING. Retrieved from the Export Enterprises website: http://country. alibaba. com/profiles/ES/Spain/taxes_accounting. htm, on February 8, 2008 Export Entreprises SA (2005). Italy TAXES ACCOUNTING. Retrieved from the Export Enterprises website: http://country. alibaba. com/profiles/IT/Italy/taxes_accounting. htm, on February 8, 2008 KPMG (2007). Indirect Taxes The price for low corporate tax. Retrieved from the Winterman-am. blogspot website: http://winterman-

Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategies for Terrorism Investigation

Strategies for Terrorism Investigation Terrorism and its investigation Counter terrorism could be characterized as the strategies and procedures that a legislature, military or insights org actualize to anticipate or counter terrorism (Legitimate). Strategy alternatives incorporate tact, engagement of the foe, financial approvals, undercover activity, security improvement and military energy. the investigator of Terrorism must have a high capacity to bear long stakeouts and observation. The accomplishment of such investigations depends generally on brainpower and investigation Interrogation The interrogation process, however, demonstrating a few advances, appears to have been generally uninfluenced by significant changes in policing, the wrongdoing issue and innovative advances made in the previous thirty years. In the primary, it is our view that advancement in police criminal interrogation exertions remains to a great extent disengaged from more extensive police deliberations to react all the more viably, all the more proficiently, and all the more fearlessly to the wrongdoing issue when all is said in done. surveying the wrongdoer from social and mental angles, the assessing suspected wrongdoers significant belonging, and counselling with law requirement authorities about a few methods when questioning guilty parties. The procedure of building a profile of an obscure guilty party commonly incorporates three stages (Snook et al., 2007). Firstly, gathering wrongdoing scene information by investigators is required and afterward the information will be sent in a profile; furthermore, the profiler begins to break down the information which comes from the wrongdoing scene; and the last step is the expectations about the identity, practices, and demographic qualities of the feasible criminal Trends It must be adaptable at all periods of the interrogation, offer data for the entire accomplice Orgs and have numerous alternate arrangements for any conceivable situation that may unfold amid the commission of any wrongdoing. Also, this is a long way from simple there are not very many interrogations where the wrongdoing has been focused on any script we have acquired at any phase of the interrogation. Offenders, including terrorists, no more work in one word they much of the time cross fringes with the expectation of abusing our shortcomings. One of those distinguished shortcomings is that police are compelled by jurisdictional limits. Furthermore, this is just sensible we would prefer not to be forcing our frameworks on a neighbouring nation any more than we would need them to force theirs on us. Australians would not endure an alternate nation letting us know how we legitimate framework ought to manage culprits, what punishments we ought to force on those that repudiate our laws. Functions While constitutions and national power block us from working past our locale, they dont block us from coordinating past our residential outskirts. On this point, the AFP goes no place without welcome and does not work singularly whatever other nation Question 2 Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act Bioterrorism represents a one of a kind test to the restorative consideration and open wellbeing frameworks. Not at all like a blast or concoction assault, has which brought about prompt and noticeable setbacks, the general society wellbeing effect of a natural assault can unfold progressively about the weather. Until a sufficient number of individuals touch base at crisis rooms and investigators business locales griping of comparative ailments, there may be no sign that an assault has occurred. The pace and exactness with which investigators and labs reach the right analyses and report their discoveries to open wellbeing powers has an immediate effect on the quantity of individuals who get to be sick and the number that pass on. The countrys capacity to react to a bioterrorist assault, accordingly, depends critically on the state of readiness of its restorative forethought frameworks and open wellbeing foundation. Open health, society have for a considerable length of time whined ab out the disintegration of the open wellbeing framework through disregard and absence of subsidizing. They caution that the country is badly prepared and inadequately arranged to react to a bioterrorist assault. For a sample, they call attention to that there is an excessively fewer therapeutic staff prepared to spot natural assets, a lack of modern research facilities to recognize the executors, and deficient supplies of medications and immunizations to neutralize the danger. They additionally battle that deficient arrangements exist for setting up isolates and crisis offices to handle the wiped out and irresistible exploited people. Enhancing open wellbeing readiness and reaction limit offers assurance from bioterrorist assaults, as well as from characteristically happening open wellbeing crises. Open wellbeing authorities are progressively worried about our introduction and defencelessness to irresistible ailment also sustenance borne ailment due to worldwide travel, pervasive nou rishment imports, and the advancement of anti-infection safe pathogens. The U.S. Patriot Act (HR 3162). Its objectives are to reinforce local security and grow the forces of law-authorization orgs as to recognizing and ceasing terrorists. The passing and replenishment of the Loyalist Demonstration have been greatly disputable. Supporters assert that its been instrumental in various interrogations and captures of terrorists, while faultfinders counter the demonstration gives the administration an excessive amount of force, debilitates common freedoms and undermines the very vote based system it looks to secure. We should investigate what the Nationalist Demonstration is the backing and feedback behind it and if the Loyalist Demonstration is truly meeting expectations. Question 3 Terrorism investigations: in both proactive and reactive circumstances. Global support and participation are crucial for improving ability to proactively explore terrorism, supporters of terrorism and the financing of terrorism and to relieve the possibility of assault. This involves an aggregate readiness amongst us to impart vital and strategic knowledge; and show an eagerness to help the assault on terrorism, paying little mind to where last results seizures captures are made. Preparing and working together are additionally vital add-ins, empowering us to better see one another, to be better at examining and following wrongdoing and to structure an imparted vision, though with distinctive underscoring structures Our prosperity cant be basically measured by the avoidance of one assault, or the capture of one terrorist. Our prosperity is a long way from being acknowledged and will just genuinely be attained in annihilating radical philosophies and imprisoning those purposes on difficult the security of our locale. In this respect, collaboration and coordinated effort with our local partners will be the discriminating segment of long haul achievement for all territorial law requirement methods from protection activity in responsive reaction. Measuring our prosperity fuses exploring our capability to enhance our connections, our organizations and our university approaches and our capacity adjust to the provincial and criminal situations that manage our future. The transnational and quickly advancing terrorism environment requires a key and worldwide thinking by every one of us governments, offices, orgs, partnerships and people. Question 4 The recommended techniques for interrogating a terrorist suspect. Law enforcement systems have a high potential for the lapse in light of the fact that lawbreakers are inspired to give false data to the police. A powerful, preparing project can help to diminish the potential for the lapse by showing investigators how to direct interrogation methods appropriately, and by helping investigators select the most fitting strategies to use with a given subject. Determination of an ideal system extraordinarily enhances the possibilities of taking in valuable data from a subject, and lessens slip rates. Normally utilized systems incorporate great investigator/terrible investigator, pride and personality down and the Reid strategy. It is paramount to have the capacity to choose the ideal method and actualize it effectively to decrease blunders. A number of strategies are powerful for picking up data from a subject amid interrogation, however a few methods work better with specific sorts of subjects than others. Great investigator/awful investigator functions admirably with youthful or unpractised subjects who are effectively scared and as of now looking for the approbation of power figures. Pride and self image down could be powerful in circumstances where a subject is liable to be glad for his criminal acts; by assaulting his conscience, he might be invited to boast about unlawful acts to vindicate himself. The Reid method is to a degree dubious, as it could be mistaken inclined. The real segment of the method is to lead a subject into an admission by giving the subject an arrangement of decisions, where the less ethically questionable decision heads to an admission. Investigators must be taught to figure out what method is proper for a given circumstance and to execute it appropriately. The choice of the right session method diminishes the likelihood of slip extraordinarily. It is likewise paramount that investigators be given considerable open door for practice with a specific end goal to flawless their methods. Anxiety positions or strategies that compel a prisoner to stay in an uncomfortable position for delayed timing of time (Ruga, 2007). These may incorporate not having the capacity to stand, needing to hold a posture, or even body suspension. In some cases shackles were joined to keep up these postures. The Focal Insights Office was approved to utilize the strategy of short shackling in 2002 at Guantà ¡namo. Short shackling is when prisoners were made to remain for forty hours in binds amid a meeting. Beatings were incorporated into interrogations to strike dread (Ruga, 2007). This was carried out through vitalize or soulless physical energy going from slaps to substantial blows. In 2002 the Focal Sagacity Office was approved to convey tummy slaps. Stomach slaps were made to be bothered and just demagogically tormenting. Temperature control is the place a prisoner is presented to amazing hotness or call for delayed timing of time. (Riga, 2007) If taken to compiling, this can include stripping the prisoner stripped or more than once splashing them in icy water. In 2003, a Bureau of Defense Memorandum approved the utilization of ecological control. This was famous in cross interrogations in Iraq and was affirmed helpful through reasons for depletion, both physically and rationally. Dangers of mischief to a prisoners companion or family were utilized (Ruga, 2007). This remaining parts a viable panic strategy to amass needed information. The military authorities would undermine to cause physical damage to the prisoner or their family and make the risk feel greatly true. Lack of sleep is utilized to make compelling weakness, bewilderment, and fleeting mental disability (Ruga, 2007). This system was approved in 2002 for utilization in Guantà ¡namo amid twenty hour cross interrogations. The military made lack of sleep by putting prisoners in anxiety positions, tactile over-burden, and consistently awakening physically. Tactile siege by the commotion and light has been utilized amid interrogations various times getting to be exceptionally prominent by The Military And Central Intelligence Agency. Strobe lights and noisy ceaseless music demonstrated to be extremely successful at the present time breaking down a prisoner. Question 5 It is basic to archive legitimately and procedure confirms appropriately so the case could be reviewed years after the fact and effectively take after the legal methodology. investigators must know how to process fatalities appropriately to save their evidentiary quality. Disappointment to take part in legitimate practices can bargain investigative conclusions and the acceptability of confirmation at trial. This article covers the essential steps terrorist-related agents and terrorist-related first responders must know to appropriately save and gather proof connected with terrorist-related victimized people. The investigator ought to be available at the investigation to counsel with the medicinal analyst, answer inquiries, aid in understandings, and gather any proof that may be found. Extra points of interest in going to such methodology are that you can quickly take any extra confirmation into authority that may be recovered, and you wont need to hold up to get the authority report to learn of the aftereffects of the post-mortem investigation. The terrorist-related investigator can exhort the therapeutic inspector on terrorist-related impacts and terrorist-related conditions so the medicinal analyst can better translate the remaining parts. Question 6 Urban Disorder The urban disorder is increasing towards progressing danger that often times require the occupation of teams and helpful investigative game plans. Albeit nearby parks are by and large inside the locale of state and city law implementation, the intersection of outskirts and particular sorts of criminal action may go under the purview of various government offices. Terrorists and posse parts do a wide scope of physical ambushes and assaults as a method for imparting alarm, including coercion and warnings to the individuals who are frank against the exercises of packs. Notwithstanding bombings, some different sorts of strikes incorporate death, grabbing, and arbitrary disorder One fundamental driver of urban savagery was white bigotry and proposed that white America bore a significant part of the obligation regarding dark revolting and resistance. It called to make new occupations, develop new lodging, and put a stop to accept isolation with a specific end goal to wipe out the damaging natures turf.. In request to do in this way, the report prescribed for government projects to give required administrations, to contract more different and touchy police drives and, most outstandingly, to put billions in lodging projects went for separating private isolation. urban disorders tend to concentrate on the part of the police and the militarization of policing strategies with respect to Dark neighbourhoods (Gilroy, 2002). Also, race and racial discrimination are seen as key information elements, as the unemployment status and social deprivation of those included are seen as interpretations of the more extensive structural subordination Federal Authority of investigation assembled and assessed data from the neighbourhood and state law requirement organizations and authorities, and directed its own particular field investigation in choosing urban References Abrahms, Max (2008). What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy . International Security (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) 32 (4): 86–89. Day, D. (2009). Exploiting Terrorist Vulnerabilities: A Law Enforcement Approach to Fighting Terrorist Organizations. Kansas: Fort Leavenworth. Dempsey, J. Forst, L. (2009). An Introduction to Policing. Kansas City, MO: Cengage Learning. Paul Chevigny,(2008). Politics and Law in the Control of Local Surveillance, Cornell Law Review

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fashsion Statement :: essays research papers

Fashion Statement There are many reasons why we choose to wear a particular article or style of clothing. Many of us consider our choice in clothing as an extension of our identity; while many others pick items from their wardrobe that reflect their current mood. There are also many times when we choose to dress a certain way in anticipation of being in a particular social setting. When someone decides what to wear they need to keep in mind what messages will they be sending to the gazing eyes. Sometimes we forget or don’t realize, that we are sending both true and false message through our clothes. I am a calm, casual, musician however my clothes do not reflect this. To start, I am wearing skateboard shoes, fat toe-end and fat tongue, rather bulky. They are black except for the gum sole, and the logo on the tongue is golden. The golden logo is hidden by the cuffs of my black, neatly creased Dickies work pants. My pants fit nicely, not tight and not baggy. Holding my pants up is a black casual clamp belt, about an inch tall, with a small rectangular silver buckle. My belt is occasionally being revealed by my un-tucked, youth large, blue, button-up, collared t-shirt. The shirt is a basic plaid design, with a thin vertical line for every thick horizontal line and visa versa. Resting on parts of my shoulders and back is my surfer, guitarist length (about 8 inches long), brown, wavy hair parted down the center. Lastly, sitting backwards on my head, are my sleek, solid black Spy sunglasses. Spy is a company that makes sunglasses for the surfer, coastal alike. These clothes were not acquired in any special way, nothing more or less ordinary than anyone else. I tend to shop at stores that sell surf and skate brand clothing. These brands include Billabong, Quicksilver, Split, Osiris, Dickies, and many similar brands. Stores that sell these brands are found almost everywhere, but I tend to spend most of money at Tilly’s and Chick’s. When others decide what outfit to wear, they are making a statement on how they feel or how they would like to feel. For example, they may wear clothes that make them feel sexy, strong, smart, professional, relaxed, or powerful. The ways I feel in my clothes are relaxed and casual. I don’t feel either over or under dressed for any particular occasion.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Short Essay About Dorian Gray :: Essays Papers

Short Essay About Dorian Gray In the early chapters of The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, we are introduced to a young and naà ¯ve character, Dorian Gray. Wilde’s descriptions of the young man create a picture of an innocent yet easily influenced Dorian, who is just beginning to learn what the adult world is all about. He is happy and handsome, yet when he is introduced to Lord Henry, he begins to experiment a little bit more on the side of sin. He becomes obsessed with youth and beauty, and he says that he â€Å"would give everything, even [his] very soul† to remain attractive and young. After this declaration, the reader is introduced to a changed Dorian Gray and his new philosophies about life, which begin to sound a lot like Lord Henry’s thoughts. Dorian â€Å"falls in love,† and then he breaks a girl’s heart, causing her to end her life. His beautiful portrait begins to alter, and to keep others from witnessing this, he locks the picture away. At this point in the novel, the reader is brought forward in time, and Dorian is now closer to middle age. Oscar Wilde uses very dark words to set a dreary mood and also a very different sort of image than from the beginning of he novel. Dorian’s life over the past years is described in detail, marking his drastic change and the hold the Devil has over him. It appears that Dorian’s conscience and his very soul have left his body forever, leaving him a sinful and very conceited person. People despise him, and some even leave a room when he enters. It is very clear that Dorian Gray has morphed into someone who is his opposite from earlier in his life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Learning New Research Concepts or Techniques by Writing and Other Research Activities Essay

The way to go about determining if certain resources are adequate for college assignments would be through an evaluation process. In chapter five of the course material, it provides the six tests of evidence that helps to conclude if discovered information can be utilized for a paper. The first test is regarding credibility. If a source is credible it should be information based on fact rather than opinion. The next test to examine is if the material is unbiased. Be sure founded information has room for other points of view about the issue so that the presentation of material in your paper is fair and balanced† (Sole, K. (2010). Writing College research papers. Another test to examine would be to verify if the information is relevant and relates to your topic. Next, is the source complete? â€Å"Do not take information out of context and mislead the reader by using only the portion of the information that supports your opinion about a topic† (Sole, K. (2010). Writing College research papers. The logical test is to make sure the information makes sense and is consistent with other known evidence. The final test would be to determine how current the resource is. Confirm the sources you use are as current as possible and have not been replaced by more recent research findings. Check to find the date an article was written or, if it has no date, check the copyright or revision date on the Web page to determine how recently the information was updated (Sole, K. (2010). Writing College research papers. An example of a suitable source would be an article from the Ashford Library, because Ashford Online Library have been archived by professional information management specialists, and Ashford University professional staff have selected specific databases for the library that are the most appropriate for your college courses. In other words, they are university and faculty approved. Sole, K. (2010) Writing College research papers. An unsuitable source would be Wikipedia, but can often be used to lead to other sources of information for an assignment.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why Do Some Societies Make Disastrous Decisions?

â€Å"How on earth could a society make such an obviously disastrous decisions as to cut down all the trees on which it depended? † was the question that started Jared Diamonds urge to do further research on societal collapses (392). His urge to write about this topic resulted from a conversation he had about the collapse of Easter Island society. In this piece of Diamonds â€Å"Why Do Some Societies Make Disastrous Decisions,† he discusses past and present societies that have fallen due to their inability to handle oncoming disasters. In general, Diamonds target audience is societies. He uses various strategies to draw the reader’s attention, in hopes to warn and get enough information across for some motivation (393). After being astonished by our societal blindness today, Diamond has proposed different decision-making errors contributing to various societal collapses. Jared Diamond starts off by describing himself as a teacher for the University of California at Los Angeles who, alike his students, is â€Å"highly motivated† and â€Å"open-minded† (392). He uses these words in attempt to establish credibility from the reader. Next he draws the reader’s attention in by targeting our concerns using diction. Diamond repeats the questions that his students wondered about after learning about the collapse of Easter Island’s society, â€Å"How often did people wreak ecological damage intentionally, or at least while aware of the likely consequences? † â€Å"How often did people instead do it without meaning to, or out of ignorance? and â€Å"If there are still people left alive a hundred years from now—those people of the next century will be as astonished about our blindness today as we are about the blindness of the Easter Islanders† (392). As you can see, he uses phrases such as â€Å"wreak ecological damage†, â€Å"aware of the likely consequences? † â€Å"Out of ignorance†, and â€Å"astonished about our blindness† to create diction in attempt to draw attention and concer n (Diamond 392).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dancing in Yemen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dancing in Yemen - Essay Example Apparently, Bara is the most important dance that is a tribal marker in Yemen. Its performance is by men only with drumming accompaniment (Adra, 1998). The performance of Bara is similar to the composition of Qabà ¤I poetry. There are tribal characteristics of Bara that differs in the wielding of performer’s daggers, steps and beat. In addition, the performance of Bara takes place outdoors. Occasions like religious holidays, weddings, travelling together of tribesmen, honouring distinguished guests or weddings necessitates the performance of Bara. Bara in conjunction with zà ¤mil has important features for resolving disputes. Interestingly, republic leaders also appreciate the performance of Bara particularly in vital functions (Adra, 1998). The aforementioned features of Bara distinguish it from lub and give it the reference of a unique dance that is entrenched in the culture of native Yemenis. In brief, lub has numerous characteristics of raq and remains regarded as a raq. For instance, the indoor genre is intimate and accompanies love songs. Lub is primarily performed by a couple of women at women gathering and two men where men gathers (Adra, 1998). There is an expectation of constant change of lub with regard to its tempi and new steps. Lub changes with fashion clothing. Such changes begin in Sanaa and take a while before filtering to al-Ahjur. Just like Bara, lub performance varies with village or region. Steps copied from adjacent villages influence the local dancing of lub. Despite the Yemenis agreement and reference of Bara as a dancing behaviour, Bara do not classify as raq. Rags, is a term that generates from Arabic language. The term translates to ‘’ dancing’’ in English is ‘’dancing’’. Raq composes music, light headed paly and flirtation. Interestingly, it is a contrast of the dignified presence of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Civil Partnership and Marriage are the Same Essay

Civil Partnership and Marriage are the Same - Essay Example To be eligible for a civil partnership, the parties should be of the same sex, be unmarried and not already a civil partner, be over the age of 16 and have parental consent if under 18 years of age, and should not be within the prohibited degrees of relationship. The formalities of marriage are predominantly governed by â€Å"the Marriage Act 1949, the Marriage Act 1983 and the Marriage (Registrar General’s Licence) Act 1970† (LexisNexis 2011). They include requirement for licenses, the conduction of marriages in a prescribed place, the fulfillment of formalities that relate to the hours of marriage, the attendance of witnesses, and other factors. Failure to comply with the formalities may form grounds for nullity. The formalities governing the formation of a civil partnership are contained in the Civil Partnership Act 2004. They include the requirements pertaining to notice and residence, the place of registration, delivery of the civil partnership document, registrati on, publicity, objections, and the waiting period. There is recognition of particular overseas relationships in England and Wales, which derive the same benefits as civil partnerships, and may be terminated in the same way as civil partnerships. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to critically discuss the statement that civil partnership is simply marriage by another name; therefore there is no need to extend marriage to same-sex couples or civil partnership to different-sex couples. Civil Partnerships and Marriage Until 1967 the concept of same-sex partners had not been acceptable in the United Kingdom; and sexual relations between two people of the same gender was considered illegal. The law was changed in 2004 as a result of extensive pressure from the gay community and the government’s commitment to equality and social justice. Ultimately, the law recognised the relationship between same-sex couples as similar to the marriage relationship between opposite-sex people. These reforms are significant, particularly for those generations of same-sex couples who suffered discrimination because of their relationship being considered illegal (Family Law 2, 2007). Thus, The Civil Partnership Act 2004 (CPA) has had long-term legal effects. It creates a new legal status of ‘civil registered partner’, and aligns English law with that of â€Å"the Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Spain and Germany† (Family Law 2, 2007: 30). The Act grants several rights and responsibilities to homosexual partnerships that have been registered. Like marriage, the Civil Partnership Act, 2004 has particular formalities which need to be in place. The formation of the civil partnership is procedurally similar to the civil wedding. Thus, â€Å"the registration cannot take place in a place of religious worship and no religious service is permitted† (Family Law 2, 2007: 30). However, a specific difference between a c ivil marriage and a civil partnership is the form of words used; that is, no specific forms of words need to be used for a civil partnership unlike the case of a civil wedding. Only people of the same sex can register Section 2(1) of the Civil Partner

Monday, October 7, 2019

Does affirmative action advance racial equality Essay

Does affirmative action advance racial equality - Essay Example In order to understand this, Britain’s example of racism can be considered that the groups which suffer the ultimate racial inequality are from minority groups of outside Europe. These minority groups are diversified with respect to their culture, race, living standards and their origination from different parts of the British colonial world due to which they experience many acts of disregard related to racial inequality. In order to make the situation better and to provide the minority with equal treatment it is necessary to take some affirmative actions which can advance racial equality and prevent the people from injustice and cruelty (Mckenna). The reason why affirmative actions are regarded as an effective source of solving the problem of racial inequality in United States of America is that it provides the evolution of civil rights in different parts where there is a racial inequality issue. It can be considered to a great extent that affirmative actions are necessary to be taken in order to curb the problems of racism. This should be done so as to help a qualified person when he loses the opportunities of advancement in his life socially, politically and economically. These actions will help him during the circumstances when he will be put back morally due to his race, gender and his socioeconomic status. Basically, affirmative actions are proposed to be taken as they can correct the effects of discrimination. So, these actions are actually designed to open the doors of equal treatment for every one regardless of the race, gender, color or creed. Furthermore, this will help the minorities in every direction. For instanc e, whether it is related to their field, their rights and the opportunities for which they are looking (Mckenna). Moreover, the reason for applying these actions is the uneven distribution of safety measures and effective institutions of democratic government. Many

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Discussion question week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion question week 5 - Essay Example s in formal social control like engaging in criminal activities like stealing and killing leads to formal prosecution or punishment by the concerned social authority. On the other hand, failure to comply with the informal social control system often leads to subtle punishments such as mockery, gossip, and even being ignored (Innes 43). An example is discouraging an obese friend from eating too much food on the condition that if he does he or she will be mocked. Deterrence is the act of preventing a certain behavior or act from repeatedly happening. General deterrence is the impact of the threat of legal punishment on the public at large while specific deterrence refers to the impact of the actual legal punishment on the apprehended people (Akers 19). While specific deterrence focuses on an individual in question and aims at discouraging them from future criminal activity by instilling an understanding of the consequences, general deterrence focuses on the general crimes prevention mechanisms with reference to specific social deviances (Akers 20). For instance, violating traffic laws that influence driving behaviors leads to the apprehension with respect to general deterrence while specific deterrence results from actual experience of apprehension and prosecution of the offender. However, both types of deterrence are ways of instilling order in the society as they ensure that people abide by the set rules and

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Does the rise in Third World tourism help or hurt local populations Essay

Does the rise in Third World tourism help or hurt local populations - Essay Example Does the tourism a manna from the heaven for the third world countries The answer is No. Thesis In general, tourism has a negative impact on populations of the third world countries ruining their natural beauty and national identity, exploiting their resources and preventing natural economic and social development of these regions. Tourism ruins natural resources of the countries and has a negative impact on national uniqueness of the nations. Most of the third world countries are weak to resist a flux of tourists coming each year to their lands. Consequently, the marked and growing disparities of income and way of life between most people in the industrial countries and those in the developing world are widely regarded as evidence of a biased and improperly functioning global system. International worsens the problem of income inequalities. The great income disparities as resulting from different resource endowments, and the historical and technological developments affecting their use. Disputes on the origin of poverty and wealth are certain to continue, but the search today is for development strategies which will achieve decent standards of life for all people by the end of this century. Also, Duval (2004) underlines that social differentiation is a constant source of headaches. Different groups not only c ompete for scarce resources but also make claims and demands on state actors. Racial diversity is seen as a blessing. Tourism is not static changing and evolving over time. The positive approaches to tourism are based not on anthropological concerns for humanism or the survival of cultural groups but on largely monetary motives. Tourism in particular is business for local communities and musicians. Also, this source is important because it analyzes resorts and recreational facilities in the region (Mowforth, 2003). The main problem in the third world countries is that locals play a minor part in industry development occupied by foreign born tour guides and agencies. Natural beauty and uniqueness of the islands have been spoiled by tourists and lack of state interventions and controls. There is the complex links between state, ethnicity, and tourism. In addition to the economic aspects of tourism, there are the political foundations of tourism including a role of the state and lack of controls. Duval ((2004) unveils concerns and problems faced by local communities, vision that led to the dismissal of history and identity. The growth and development of the tourist industry in the Caribbean region can be understood in the broader context of a state apparatus that is inefficient both economically and politically. Among them are new routs and new 'tourist' countries, price sensitivity and improves service. The third world tourism is under pressure, either dissolving in the face of these global confo rmities or changing their form and function while it has to adapt to these new international and transnational operations. Many third world countries seek to be a cultural and political entity preserving its natural beauty and cultural heritage. The marketing of tourism is similar to international diplomacy, a field that involves national image-management

Friday, October 4, 2019

Pakistan Power 100 Gala Essay Example for Free

Pakistan Power 100 Gala Essay An occasion of pride with sense of triumph and feeling of respect and euphoria for every patriotic Pakistani, domestically and internationally ‘Pakistan Power 100 gala’ Launched by Carter-Anderson the British Pakistan Trust, a group of young professional men and women who strive to improve Pakistan’s image abroad and connect inspiring individuals so they can work for the betterment of all Pakistanis. Khalid Darr, a veteran who founded the Pakistan Power 100 Awards and won applauses for highlighting the role of Pakistanis in Britain; the prestigious award ceremony hosted by Pakistan Power 100 in London on September 29, attended by hundreds of prominent personalities from the international Pakistani community and a multitude of non-Pakistani invitees who came to show their support and to appreciate the achievements by Pakistanis and the British Pakistani community. It was a preeminent gala projecting a real and sanguine image of a progressive Pakistan and not only the award winners but the whole 33,000+ nominated power leaders were also being projected as the brand ambassadors of the ‘Brand Pakistan’. In my view just those 100 awardees are not the only power leaders representing Pakistan but the 33,000 nominated and many more who have dedicated their services to the communities in or outside Pakistan are all power leaders and brand ambassadors of the ‘BRAND PAKISTAN’. Some reservations have been expressed from different quarters of business and other segments of the society about the credibility of the whole process from nominations to the formation of judges’ panel (led by British investor James Caan) and to the final selections of awardees, I would not go into the details but must say that those awarded with power 100 awards definitely deserve it but there are many others who deserve this honor as well although choosing 100 out of more than 33000 is not an easy job but still I would say that there are some professionals who definitely are far better power leaders and more influential than some of those in the Power 100 list. Anyway public is the best judge so I better leave this issue for the public to decide and would like to move on to the auspicious event. The largest ever initiative of its kind in promoting the most influential Pakistani men and women within Britain; Pakistan Power 100, developed by the British Pakistan Trust, has a mission to honor the very highest levels of achievements from within the Pakistani community and to positively promote the outstanding contribution made by Pakistani men and women on a local, national, and international level. The trust is a non-profit organization that will use the Pakistan Power 100 list to generate funds contributing to the betterment of all Pakistanis. The illustrious ceremony began, after an intricate reception, the founder Khalid Darr welcomed the guests and was grateful to all the invitees and nominees for attending the ceremony and commenting on the importance of Power 100 Darr said, â€Å"To build a better Pakistan we need to learn the art of working together, we should seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect. The Pakistani Diaspora across the world is a source of great strength for Pakistan and I believe that if we all come together to collectively use our intellectual and financial capital, we can bring significant and positive change to the people of Pakistan.† Pakistan Power 100 aimed to promote Pakistan to the global community, to showcase the greatest influencers and to work towards changing the perception of Pakistan through the highest achievers. The aim of awards should be to celebrate achievements and very rightly he said there are many ways this can be done, it doesn’t always have to be done at a glamorous event. After Darr’s patriotic speech, the awards were presented to the outstanding achievers in their respective fields. Since its inception Pakistan has been surrounded by countless issues including but not limited to ill-formed/missing infrastructure, insufficient refined resources, barren or obsolete factories and technologies, has been oscillating between civilian and military rulers and all these have contributed to the current prevailing chaos and pessimism among the masses for which people often say â€Å"don’t know how this country is surviving†, even many of us ready to go a step ahead to declare it a failed state. My words for them are; it will never be a failed state and not only it will survive  but will thrive and outshine in the galaxies of world nations, as long as we have a core group of dynamic Pakistani men women, representing a wide range of fields and sectors including politics, business, media, technology, culture, healthcare, and social welfare/philanthropy who, against all odds have been working hard for the betterment of state of affairs of Pakistanis. In recent years the once patriotic Pakistani Diaspora, although continuing to demonstrate a level of patriotism, has become more cynical towards Pakistan due to the regularity of damaging news stories about Pakistan which have caused great challenges for the country on a national and international level. This event brought sanguinity to the depressing Pakistani diaspora. These individuals are leaders, able to steer opinion and action towards the most positive possible outcomes in economic, social or cultural contexts. They are people who, either through position or personality exercise a significant power that influences events and sets parameters in the conduct of their organization, the climate of political debate and the shaping of new ideas. Pakistan Power 100 recognizes the most influential Pakistani men women internationally, whose exceptional work makes an enormous and essential contribution to the wealth, health and intellectual wellbeing of their respective communities. The purpose of these awards is to pay tribute to these and to inspire the upcoming generations to prepare Pakistan to face the upcoming challenges and responsibilities of global citizenship by bringing together the future power leaders from across the world to generate creative, cross-sect-oral approaches to leadership and problem solving; to build networks of trust across regional boundaries; and, to educate each other in the highest ideals of values-based intellectual capital. Influence is the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. Societies around the globe are driven by influential people, objects and ideas from various sources. Highlighting any name here would be controversial except one for which no one will have any objection is the name of Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi about whom Khalid Darr very rightly said â€Å"when talking about outstanding Pakistanis, the first name that comes to mind is the magnanimous Abdul Sattar Edhi†, who hardly managed to show up and take part at the event despite his sickness  and a hectic schedule. Mr. Edhi received the Humanitarian Lifetime Award for his lifelong commitment to bettering the lives of all Pakistanis. His devotion to the welfare of mankind was reflected in his selfless and heart-felt speech for which many of the attendees couldn’t control their tears and he received a standing ovation at the end. The overall purpose should be to highlight role models so that the next generation of young Pakistanis has mentors to motivate themselves and to change the perception of Pakistan across the globe and to reignite the collective consciousness. We need a stronger, more professional manner in which to promote the positive aspects of our culture and religion and the valued contribution our academics, doctors, professionals and business men women make to this country in which we live and work. The glamorous gala event was then concluded with a brilliant performance by Salman Ahmad. Alongside the Pakistan Power 100, Carter-Anderson also published several supplementary lists, including the Pakistan Power 100 Women, the Pakistan Past 50 list of influential Pakistanis from history, and the Pakistan Future 50, which will rank the top 50 up and coming young professionals in Pakistan today and the power 100 future leaders who are destined to become tomorrow’s leaders.